
NEWCOMER’S VIEW 2013 ニューカマーズ・ヴュー 2013 イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京にむけて

2013年3月3日(日)〜 2013年3月23日(土)

岩井成昭 , ゴルマリヤム・マスウード・アンサリ , ジェイミ・ハンフリーズ , 劉 璐姗 (リュウ ルーシャン)

cover image

・入場無料 ※有料イベント有り

・Dates 3/3/2013 – 3/23/2013
・Hours 14:00-19:00 (closing time depends on events)
・Venue Koganei Art Spot Chateau 2F (6-5-3, Honcho, Koganei)
・Admission free


岩井成昭 (美術家/イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京パイロットプロジェクト主宰)

-Two Perspectives
We are pleased to hold the third “Newcomer’s View” exhibit as a part of the pilot project for launching the “Immigration Museum Tokyo”.
This exhibit is constructed in two new perspectives. First is the “Communication Project by the Citizens” in which the ordinary citizens create artworks based on interviews with foreigners living in the same community about their cultural backgrounds that are inherent in their current lives. Secondly, we curated works by the artists who are originally from outside of Japan now live in Tokyo. Their artworks show how their daily lives here have influenced their ideas and thoughts.
In our past exhibits, we aimed to obtain our own viewpoints that are free from any preconceived notions and prejudices; to achieve that, we tried our best to watch and feel the lives of our “new neighbors” with as diverse looks as possible. I believe that the above-mentioned two perspectives would give us even a broader horizon and another angle. Of course, each expression includes much more viewpoints and awaits for the audience’s viewpoints to be added. We hope this exhibit will trigger more dialogues.
Shigeaki Iwai (Artist / Director, Pilot Project for the Immigration Museum Tokyo)

You can find further information about Immigration Museum Tokyo. Please visit

岩井成昭[いわい しげあき]
1990年より国内および欧州、豪州、東南アジアの特定コミュニティの調査をもとに、映像、音響、テキストなどを複合的に使用した視覚表現を展開。近年はあらゆる世代を対象にしたワークショップや、多文化研究活動を並行して実施中。2010 年から「イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京」構想を進行させている。

-Shigeaki Iwai
Iwai has continued to produce a variety of visual expressions that are composites of video, sound and text based on his research of specific communities in Japan, as well as in Europe, Australia and South East Asia which he began conducting in 1990. In recent years, alongside these activities, he has been hosting workshops for all generations and conducting research on multiculturalism. Since 2010, he has been developing plans for the“ Immigration Museum Tokyo.”


-Beh Go Pah Yo Party
“Beh go pah yo” means “I’m hungry” in Korean. This is a multicultural exchange program to share cultural and personal memories through cooking and eating some easy snacks and talk about the distinct “flavors”, “ingredients” and “joys” from each country. This project is held once in month at Koganei Art Spot Chateau 2F.

3/3(日)18:00〜19:00 リュウ・ルーシャン


3/16(土)17:00〜  ゲスト料理人:ゴルマリヤム・マスウード・アンサリ

3/20(水・祝)16:00~ ゲスト料理人:ジェイミ・ハンフリーズ

Events  no appointment necessary
-Live Performance
Sunday March 3rd 6pm-7pm Liu Lushan
Liu Lushan is exploring issues of one’s uncertain identities between borderlines by creating artworks. She will talk about migration based on her experiences and read her essay in this performance.

Opening Event
Sunday March 3rd 7pm-9pm
Staff members talk about their project, “Intercultural communication project by local residents”.

-Beh Go Pah Yo Party Special-1
Saturday, March 16th at 5:00 pm Guest Chef : Golmaryam Masood Ansari
Participation fee 300 円
We invited one of exhibited artists Golmaryam Masood Ansari, as a guest chef to this event. She presents regional specialties as well as talking about her artworks.

-Beh Go Pah Yo Party Special-2
Wednesday, March 20th (National holiday) at 4:00 pm Guest Chef : Jaime Humphreys
Participation fee 300 円
We invited one of exhibited artists Jaime Humphreys, as a guest chef to this event. He presents regional specialties as well as talking about his artworks.




-Intercultural communication project by local residents
-In this project citizens communicate with people from foreign countries through contemporary art on each themes they had determined. They exhibit that process of communication and the result for future Immigration Museum Tokyo (IMM). The purpose of the project is to introduce daily lives and cultural backgrounds of people from foreign countries. It is also a process of searching for all of us to live together beyond our cultural differences.
In this year marks the third project for IMM, and three citizens participate in this project as members of IMM. The theme reflects the member’s interests, such as ‘sound’, ‘private space’ and ‘laughter’. We can feel various viewpoints and one’s sense of value, and various worldviews at this exhibition.

北川 麻衣子 〈Mind Sound Gap〉
知らない土地を初めて訪れたとき、視覚情報だけでは気がつかなかった音の世界に驚いたことはありませんか? このプロジェクトでは、東京に住む外国出身の人たちが、日本に来る前に思い描いていた視覚的なイメージと、実際に生活をする中で遭遇した、様々な音とのギャップを取材し、提示します。私たちが日常気に留めない音の世界と、彼らの描いていた日本のイメージとのギャップを意識することで、自分たちが今まで考えていた、あたりまえの世界とは違う何かに気づくかもしれません。

-Kitagawa Maiko Mind Sound Gap
When you visit somewhere for the first time, are you surprised that the soundscape differs from what you anticipated? In this project, I will present the soundscapes that foreigners identify in Tokyo, and how their image of Japan has changed since they moved here. Through this exploration of sound, I hope to reveal aspects of daily life that are taken for granted by Japanese people.

富田 陽香 〈各国・各家・各自の「お手洗い」事情〉



-Tomita Haruka  The ‘toilet’ of each country, each house, each one
There are a few essential actions in life. Eating, for example, and discharging wastes. A toilet is an important space for important acts. In this project, I would like to focus on toilets to explore cross-cultural similarities and differences.
Are there are any differences between toilets in your home country and Japan? What does a toilet mean to you? Because the toilet is a space used on a daily basis, it could prove culturally revealing.

古田 裕美 〈「笑い」を考える〉

-Furuta Yumi Exploration of “Laughter”
I truly appreciate that I was born into an animal that has an ability to laugh.
How much are we aware of this amazing ability to “laugh”?
I’m quite interested in it.
What we think funny in our culture are not necessarily funny in different cultural contexts? what is it in “the pot of laughter” in Japanese saying, or what makes people locked in a laughing fit…?
Let’s go to a journey to search for the differences and commonalities in laughter and values among people around the world.


-Newcomer’s view of visual artists
ゴルマリヤム・マスウード・アンサリ 1981年 イラン テヘラン生まれ
2009年より神奈川県在住。“アートとは、人生のひとつひとつの瞬間に起きた結果の残滓だ ―― 寂しさや、一体感や、哀しみ、しあわせ、存在、非・存在、そして何よりも、別離、からもたらされる感情たちの”このように語る彼女は、来日前の母国において近隣の社会が抱える日々の問題、テクノロジーにまつわる問題、宗教の名のもとで様々なことが隠される社会との葛藤等をテーマに作品を制作してきた。2011年の東日本大震災の被災地を訪れたことを機に新たな制作を開始した彼女は、自身と日本社会との間に横たわる距離に改めて気付く。

-Golmaryam Masood Ansari  Born in Tehran in 1981
She has been living in Kanagawa prefecture since 2009. She says “Art is the remnants of the effects of every moment of life – of feelings coming from loneliness, togetherness, sorrow, happiness, beings, non-beings, and most of all, separations.” Before coming to Japan, her works were derived from issues of her daily problems with the society in her vicinity, with technology, struggling with a society which under the disguise of religion has nurtured people with contradictory thoughts. In 2011, she decided to start new works under the influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake. She visited the disaster-stricken area and these experiences triggered the realization of her distance from the Japanese society.

ジェイミ・ハンフリーズ 1979年 英国 シュルーズベリ生まれ

-Jaime Humphreys  Born in Shrewsbury, UK in 1979
Jaime Humphreys’ interest lies in exploring the medium of drawings, installation, video, and works on paper as a means of re-experiencing space and drawing attention to the often overlooked visual features and relational elements (private and public, interior and exterior, etc.) within them. Recent works have involved the participation of other artists in the realization of video-based large-scale drawing works which involve the fluid
interactions of the participants who are guided by simple guidelines, focusing on the process of mark-making itself and the captivating visual image that appears. Based in Tokyo for over 6 years, he is pursuing a range of creative activities which include the running of an innovative children’s art workshop hosted by Youkobo Art Space in Suginami-Ku.

劉 璐姗 (リュウ ルーシャン) 1979年 中国 北京生まれ

-Liu Lushan Born in Beijing, China in 1979
In the summer of 1989, she left her home country and came to Japan with her parents. Since 2003, she has been making artworks about migration. The art making process has helped her to re-discover her identity as someone living on the border of different nations/cultures. For all these years, she kept asking herself the following questions. ‘What does it mean to be a migrant?’ ‘How can I communicate those spiritual experiences of border crossing to the others?’ Her borderland journey continues.

主催 東京都、東京文化発信プロジェクト室(公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団)、小金井市、NPO法人アートフル・アクション

Produce and Supervision Shigeaki Iwai
Staff Kanade Shimonishi, Jung Jinae
Technical adviser   Keitetsu Murai

Co-Organizers: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Culture Creation Project (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Koganei City, Specified Nonprofit Corporation Artfull Action

Facebook:Immigration Museum Tokyo(イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京)
   〒184-0004 東京都小金井市本町6-5-3[シャトー地図]

Facebook:Immigration Museum Tokyo(イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京)
Access 5 minutes walk from Musashikoganei Station (Exit Sauth, JR)
