pen友プロジェクト –わたしたちの原風景を描くために-
を共有するための場です。 また、このブログは、「あなた⇄わたし」から始まり、これら
美術作家、大阪出身在日韓国人三世、オーストラリア在住。京都市立芸術大学美術研究科博士課程修了(美術博士、2012年)。主に染、織、刺繍、編む、結ぶなどの技法をもちいた織物、写真、音声などをつかい、言葉にされなかった個人の記憶―沈黙の記憶−をめぐる作品を制作。近年では、ワークショップを通しての対話や、その経験を作品にとりこみ、記憶の継承のカタチとしてのポストメモリーの可能性を探求している。また、2017年より、海路を通じてつながる物語、とくに、オーストラリア、日本、韓国の間を渡った人々の軌跡や歴史を起点に連作「grand-mother island」プロジェクトに取り組んでいる。
近年の展覧会:「展示と対話のプログラム アートセンターをひらく」(2019-2020、水戸芸術館)、「呉夏枝個展 手にたくす、糸へたくす」(2019、小山市車屋美術館)、「東アジア文化都市2018金沢『変容する家』」、(2018、金沢市内)
・住所:〒184-0004本町6-5-3 シャトー小金井2F
主催:東京都、小金井市、東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京、NPO法人アートフル・アクション
pen-tomo project is starting.
Things that one person will see and know can be very vague and little.
The flow of people are getting more and more intense,
and there are more people who goes over the border even though they do not wish to.
Their background, situation, pain, or even happiness. How could we imagine, understand
and stand with them?
It is important to study the “theory” of Politics and economy. However, “body and mind” that
can imagine and send one’s heart to something far from one’s own lives are difficult to arise
from just the “theory”.
From April 2019 ~ March 2020, we invite an Artist and with her, we try to make an attempt
to carefully face the history of various people, starting off by looking for clues from what lies
around our selves.
The things that occurs from each reflective interaction brings up soft gradations and creases,
sometimes creating various connections with others.
Drifting between the waves, going back and forth, attempts to keep exploring the possibility
to be aware of the presence of “others” are something that we must put our eyes upon in the
world that we live in today.
We are starting this new project with many wishes.
pen-tomo project – to share our imaginary landscape -
Artist, OH Haji is a 3rd generation immigrant from South Korea raised in Osaka, currently
experiencing a life as an immigrant in Australia.
She flys back and forth between Japan and Australia due to her creative activity.
“pen-tomo” is a project aiming to bring up (shed light on)the life and experience of the
immigrants living in Japan, along side with the Artist’s own experience, using imaginative/
creative procedure.
Mainly focusing on immigrant women living in Koganei town and Tokyo, the Artist tries to
connect and interact with the immigrants in Japan by exchanging letters, and later from April
2020 on, aiming to spread this activity to workshops and exhibitions.
〈Looking for〉
・ Immigrant women ( no students )
・ Women who has roots to foreign country
・Living in Koganei town or Tokyo
This project aims to interact with the immigrants and share ones’ own life and background
by using the letter exchanging process. (as a pen friend.)
These process will be shared to the public through blogs and exhibitions.
〈Letter exchange〉
・The exchanging of letters will take place based on the theme which the artist has
・The letter exchange will take place presupposing that it will be presented/be part of an
artwork. Contents of these letters will only become public after receiving permission from the
・The theme of the letter will be something that inspires the readers to imagine the
background of the pen-tomo (pen friend) and subsequently, the scenery of unknown,
faraway places.
・Theme of the first letter: please talk about the memory related to your grandmother.
“The everyday life of grandmother -clothing, food, housing- .
(”grandmother” can be your relative, or any other grownups around you that you feel she is
a grandmother )
・Considering of about three themes that could be exchanged through letters. Aiming to
deepen the conversation according to each process and development.
・The form of letters are free (unrestricted): Letter, Card, Mail, photograph, drawings, etc
・Language: The letter from the artist will be in Japanese, the reply can be Japanese, or in
other Language. (in the case of other language, the letter will go through translation)
〈Website blog: pen-tomo network postbox〉
From April 2020 on, “pen-tomo network postbox” will be established.
This is a temporary (provisional) space that will make this network visible and allow the
participants to share this project within each other.
This project starts from the story of “you⇄me” and through this temporary post box (blog),
hope that many and unspecified readers will receive this story as “ours”.
If you have any interest or question,
please feel free to contact from the following address.
Artist statement
Haji Oh: A third-generation Zainichi Korean artist born and raised in Osaka who now lives in
Australia. She utilizes the techniques of weaving, dyeing, tying, and stitching based on textile
and fibre arts to shed light on the untold stories of people whose lives have touched hers. In
additional to textiles, she has used photographs, texts and sounds in her installations in order to give expression to the silent memories of women and unnamed individuals. She collects memories through community workshops and dialogue, and develops them